Joining Zilch
Anyone 21 or over, with a full valid driver license, can join Zilch. If you’ve got a Kiwi license, it’s a breeze to sign up. No worries if you’re from overseas either, you’ll just need to take a couple of extra steps to sign up.
NZ Driver License Holders
1. Sign up
- Register online
- Enter your driver license details
- Upload images of your license
- Upload a selfie
- Enter your home address
2. Get approved
- We’ll check you meet our membership criteria & run a license check with NZTA
- You’ll hear from us within 1 working day to confirm your membership

3. Drive
- Once you’re approved, we’ll post out your Zilch card – your key to drive any Zilch car.
- Your card should arrive within 7 days from sign up.
Need a card sooner? Get in touch and we’ll see what we can do
Overseas License Holders
Overseas drivers must have been in NZ for less than 12 months and hold a full overseas driver licence or international driver permit that is in English, or has an English translation from an approved NZTA translator with validity of a minimum of three years or longer.
1. Sign up
- Register online
- Verify your email address
- Email us proof of your license
2. Get approved
- We’ll check you meet our membership criteria & run a license check with NZTA
- You’ll hear from us within 3 working days to confirm your membership
3. Get your key
- Once you’re approved, we’ll post out your Zilch card – your key to drive any Zilch car.
- Your card should arrive within 7 days from sign up.
Need a card sooner? Get in touch and we’ll see what we can do